Introductions and Documentation Introductions to the EarlyPrint Library EEBO and EEBO-TCP: A Brief Introduction Joseph Loewenstein and Alireza Taheri Araghi An introduction to Early English Books Online and the Text Creation Partnership Introduction to MorphAdorner Meredith Kelling and Steve Pentecost A description of MorphAdorner, a natural language processing package which was developed at Northwestern University and which powers EarlyPrint The Inner Workings of EarlyPrint NUPOS Tag Set Craig Berry The Current NUPOS Part-of-Speech Tag Set From TCP to EarlyPrint: the conversion process Joseph Loewenstein A summary of the conversion of texts from TCP to EarlyPrint The TCP Texts and their Shortcomings Martin Mueller A discussion of the method by which EarlyPrint texts are derived from TCP texts NUPOS Origins and Principles Martin Mueller An in-depth account of NUPOS principles