NUPOS Tag Set Craig Berry NUPOS: The Current Tag Set NUPOS continues to evolve to meet the challenges of tagging parts-of-speech for an ever-larger body of Early English from multiple centuries. This page lists the current tags. For the origins and principles of NUPOS, see this link instead. NUPOS Tag Description Example Word classs -z This flag is introduced to mark some dialect forms or forms mangled by foreign speakers ‘pody’ for ‘body’, ‘de’ for ‘the’ ab abbreviations Gen., Cor. Aen. ab acp words that are used as adverbs, conjunctions, or prepositions as, since, in acp avc comparative adverb rather, sooner av avs superlative adverb soonest av av adverb soon av j-av adjective from adverb the then king av avx negative adverb never av uh-av exclamation from adverb well av ccx negative conjunction nor cc cc coordinating conjunction and, or cc crd-m a monetary amount crd crd cardinal number nine, xvi, hundred crd crd-t a number that marks a date crd av-ord ordinal as adverb thirdly crd ord an ordinal adjective or adverb first, fourth, next, last crd n2-ord ordinal used as plural noun fifths crd ng1-ord ordinal used as genitive noun Henry the fifth’s crd crq wh- words as interrogative or relative pronouns when are you coming? crq n2-crq crq word used as noun the why’s of this action crq uh-crq exclamation from crq word why, what crq cs conjunction if cs avc-d comparative determiner as adverb more slowly d ng2-d determiner as plural genitive boths d avs-d superlative determiner as adverb most often d av-d determiners as adverb all, both d dx negative determiner no money d dc comparative determiner less money d d determiner a, the, this d avx-d negative determiner as adverb no more d ds superlative determiner most money d pig-d determiner as indefinite pronoun, genitive any’s d pigx-d determiner as negative indefinite pronoun, genitive neither’s d pi-d determiner as indefinite pronoun another, other d pix-d negative determiner as indefinit pronoun neither d emptycell a temporary token to mark empty cell eleents emptycell fan Anglo-Saxon word fan fdu Dutch word fdu fes Spanish word fes ffr French word ffr fge German word fge fgr Greek word fgr fhe Hebrew word fhe fin American Indian word fin fit italian word fit fla Latin word fla fmi dialect word or word in a foreign language fmi fro a word from an unspecified Romance language fro fsc Scottish word fsc fwe Welsh word fwe fxx word in a non-Roman script, mainly Greek or Hebrew fxx j adjective big j avs-j superlative adjective as adverb in you it best lies j js superlative adjective greatest j jc comparative adjective greater j n1-j adjective used as noun a soft green j avc-j comparative adjective as adverb deeper j j-mi adjective j ng2-j adjective used as plural noun genitive the ungodlies’ sins j av-j adjective as adverb duly, right honourable j ng1-j adjective used as genitive noun j n2-j adjective used as plural noun necessaries j uh-j exclamation from adjective j n1-mi miscellaneous word class used as noun wherewithal mi uh-mi exclamation from miscellaneous wordclass well mi n2-mi miscellaneous wordclass used as plural noun ifs and buts mi ng1-mi miscellaneous wordclass used as genitive noun Henry the fifth’s mi ng1-n adjective used as genitive noun the imprudent’s regret n av-n noun as adverb go home n n1 singular noun house n n2 plural noun houses, children n ng1 single noun, genitive woman’s n ng2 genitive plural noun children’s n ng2-mi miscellaneous wordclass used as genitive plural noun gathered the many’s mi uh-n noun as exclamation faith, farewell n jnn proper adjective English, French nn nng1 proper noun, genitive Eve’s nn nng1-ord ordinal used as proper noun, genitive Henry the Second’s son crd nng2 genitive plural proper noun children’s nn nn2 proper noun plural Americans nn nn1 proper noun Adam nn pi2 determiner as indefinite plural pronoun others pn pi2-d determiner as plural indefinite pronoun others pn pig2-d determiner as indefinite pronoun, genitive plural others’ pn pig indefinite pronoun, genitive somebody’s pn png personal pronoun, genitive mine, hers pn pno personal pronoun, objective me, him, them pn pigx negative indefinity pronoun, genitive nobody’s pn pi2x negative indefinite pronoun plural nothings pn pi indefinite pronoun one, anybody pn pn personal pronoun it, you pn po possessive pronoun my, your pn pns personal pronoun, subjective I, thou, he, she pn pix negative indefinite pronoun none, nobody pn pr a reflexive pronoun myself pn prg a reflexive pronoun, genitive itself’s pn nnp A particle that is part of a name De la Motte prt prt A particle ‘to’ as an infinitive marker prt sy single letters or letter combinations a mathematical sy uh exclamation Oh uh n1-uh exclamation used as singular noun uh n2-uh exclamation used as plural noun the yeas have it uh uhx negative exclamation no, nay uh av-vg present participle as adverb lovingly v j-vn past participle as adjective haunted house v av-vn past participle as adverb Stands Macbeth thus amazedly v n2-vn plural noun from past participle v vvbx verb, present, negative don’t, han’t, darenot, cannot v vv2 verb, present, 2nd person singular art, dost, walk’st v vv2x verb, present, 2nd person singular, negative ain’t v vvb verb, present walk v vvd verb, past did, walked v n1-vg noun from present participle (gerund) the running of the deer v jc-vg comparative adjective from present participle for what pleasinger then varietie, or sweeter then flatterie? v j-vg present participle as adjective my loving lord v js-vg superlative adjective from present participle the lyingest knave in Christendom v n1-vn noun from past participle (gerund) v jc-vn comparative adjective from past participle shall find curster than she v js-vn superlative adjective from past participle v vvd2 verb, past, 2nd person singular didst v vvzx v vvnx v vvg verb, present participle loving v vvi verb, infinitive love, walk v ng1-vn genitive noun from past participle the late lamented’s house v ng2-vn past participle as genitive plural the afflicteds’ v vvn verb, past participle haunted, taken v vvdp verb, past, plural longen v vvp verb, present, plural Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimage v vvdx verb, past, negative hadn’t v vvz verb, 3rd person singular loveth, loves v vm2 modal verb, 2nd person singular mayst, wilt, shalt v n2-vg plural noun from present participle shootings v n2-sy symbol used as plural noun ifs and buts n ng1-vg genitive noun from present participle the second coming’s v uh-v verb used as exclamation come, hail, pray v j-vmd adjective from past modal verb {to be phased out} vm n1-vm noun from modal verb present {to be phased out} woulding vm vmbx negative modal verb cannot, don’t, won’t vm vmdx modal verb, past, negative wouldn’t vm vmd2x modal verb, 2nd person singular vm vmdp modal verb, past, plural mighten vm vmd2 modal verb, past, 2nd person singular couldst, shouldst vm vmd modal verb, past could, should vm vmp modal verb, present, plural vm n1-vmd noun from modal verb past woulding vm vvmx vm vvm first person singular of ‘be’ am vm vmb modal verb, present can, may, must vm wd word wrongly split or joined in text wd xx negative not xx z0 word element with missing content zz zz unknown or unparseable token zz%