Using the N-gram Browser Anupam Basu Using the N-gram Browser Basic Usage The main browser screen presents users with a very simple combination of menu choices. To use the n-gram browser, select the appropriate database from the drop-down menu depending on whether you want to explore the raw EEBO-TCP corpus or one of the versions with algorithmically standardized spelling and part-of-speech (POS) tagging. Enter a word or phrase in the text-entry field and click search to generate a line-graph of relative frequencies over time. You can enter multiple words or phrases separated by commas to generate plots that allow you to compare trends. For example, entering “love, loue” in the search box for the unmodified corpus will generate separate lines for both variations that allow you to compare how their relative usages varied over the years. Similarly, a query involving different terms – say a search for “god, king” in the standardized spelling unigram corpus – would produce two lines that allow one to compare trends. A check box allows you to view a smoothed graph which tends to absorb minor local fluctuations or a step-plot that shows exact values for every year. The degree of smoothing depends on the number of years over which the rolling average is calculated and can be controlled from a drop-down menu. The interface also allows you to share particular n-gram-plots by emailing them to others, or by tweeting them. You can also share these plots or come back to them later simply by copying or bookmarking the URL of the graph. We would like to collect any especially interesting patterns that you might come across, so please submit any interesting searches for archiving on the site as well. Advanced Usage: Harnessing the Power of Regular Expressions The basic search options cover most search cases where one is interested in unique words or phrases. However, let’s say we are more interested in the emergence of a concept than the actual history of orthographic variation. The two separate trend lines for “love” and “loue” are not very useful in this instance. What we need is a single line that will capture both spelling variations as part of one search. We can of course switch to one of the standardized spelling versions of the EEBO-TCP corpus in the hope that any occurrences of “loue” will have been standardized to “love” in it. In the case of this rather simple variant, this is probably a fair assumption to make, but the process of standardizing early modern spelling to its modern equivalent is a fraught and difficult one and an active area of research in natural language processing. Early modern spelling is, computationally speaking, a moving and very difficult target. The quirks of early modern orthography arise out of a multitude of factors. If there is a fundamental impetus towards standardization on the one hand, the processes of standardization are influenced by a variety of factors, from debates on linguistic and cultural borrowing, to socio-economic conditions of the early book trade and the material constraints of typesetting and printing. Thus, while the accuracy of algorithmic standardization is increasing as we refine and reconfigure our techniques (and we will continue to update our standardized database as we build new versions), there will be many instances where automated spelling correction fails to meet our needs. In other instances we might be interested in all variations of a word – “loved” as well as “beloved” – or clusters of words that we might take to represent related concepts – both “noble” and “aristocrat” (perhaps even “aristocratic”). In fact, beyond the surface level of poking at the database to reveal obvious trends, I suspect that most searches emanating from or leading to interesting research questions will take such complicated forms. While it is impossible to pre-empt all such possible searches, regular expressions allow us to build arbitrarily complex queries for the n-gram browser. Regular expressions are a powerful technique for constructing complex searches within text data. While there are several subtly different ‘flavors’ implemented across different operating systems, command-line programs, and programming languages, regular expressions essentially constitute of a set of simple rules that can be combined together to build complex search patterns. Using Regular Expressions in the N-gram Browser 1 The N-gram browser allows you to directly enter regular expression searches in the search box. To indicate that your search consists of a regular expression, you should begin and end it with the “/” character. The N-gram browser will show you the words that matched your search, so you can refine your regular expression as needed. Let’s say we want to capture both “love” and “loue” as part of the same query in the original spelling browser – we can write it as a simple regular expression /lo[uv]e/. If we want to make sure that we capture possible variants of “king” in our search, we might use the regular expression /k[iy]nge?/, which captures not only “king”, but also “kyng,” “kynge,” and “kinge” as part of the same graph. Regular expressions, while essentially constituted of simple rules, are a vast subject beyond the scope of this short introduction to the n-gram browser. But they are well worth learning for any humanities scholar working with digitized and searchable texts. There are several great learning resources on regular expressions both on the web and in print form, but here are a few examples elucidating the basic rules involved: 2 [abc] A single character of: a, b, or c [\^abc] Any single character except: a, b, or c [a-z] Any single character in the range a-z [a-zA-Z] Any single character in the range a-z or A-Z ^ Start of line $ End of line \A Start of string \z End of string . Any single character \s Any whitespace character \S Any non-whitespace character \d Any digit \D Any non-digit \w Any word character (letter, number, underscore) \W Any non-word character \b Any word boundary (...) Capture everything enclosed (a|b) a or b a? Zero or one of a a\* Zero or more of a a+ One or more of a a{3} Exactly 3 of a a{3,} 3 or more of a a{3,6} Between 3 and 6 of a Searching Parts of Speech with Regular Expressions The standardized spelling databases allow searching for parts of speech using regular expressions. The basic format for searching for a word combined with a part-of-speech is “word_pos” so that we might search for “army_n1” etc. We use the NUPOS tagset developed by Martin Mueller and used by Phil Burns’s Morphadorner to tag the corpus. Thus a word like “man” would be tagged “n1” as a singular noun while men would be tagged “n2” (plural noun). If we wanted either word used as nouns (as opposed to, for example, “man the post”), we could use the following regular expression: “/m[ae]n_n.+/”. This specifies that the second character of the match could either be “a” or “e” and the part of speech should begin with “n” and have exactly one character after that. This search captures singular and plural noun forms of “man” (n1, n2), but note that NUPOS also includes additional noun classifications such as ng1 (genitive singular) and ng2 (genitive plural). For more advanced searches, users can also query contractions (e.g., searching for “don’t” as a modal verb negation: /vvb[x]?/), or find explicitly unclassified cases such as “zz” (unparseable tokens). Using the POS search facility effectively can lead to really powerful queries and insights but it does take a bit of getting used to. One should not only be comfortable with regular expressions but with the NUPOS tag set as well.3 1 For a detailed overview of regular expressions, see Jeffrey E. F Friedl, Mastering Regular Expressions (Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2006). 2 Examples taken from 3 For a detailed introduction to the NUPOS tagset, please see